23 Simple Stress Relief Activities Using the Power of Sound

Feeling overwhelmed? Check out these 23 simple, sound-based stress relief activities that will calm your mind and bring peace to your day.

Stress relief activities

Stress is a normal part of life, but it doesn’t mean it’s healthy or easy to deal with. While there are many stress relief activities, sound-based practices offer a simple yet powerful approach. 

From humming to listening to nature sounds, these activities engage our senses and help calm the nervous system. The therapeutic potential of sound is supported by science, showing how certain frequencies and rhythms can lower anxiety, improve mood, and promote relaxation.

Over the years, I’ve personally found that incorporating sound into my daily routine has made a significant difference in managing stress. Whether it’s something as simple as humming or using more structured techniques like sound baths, these practices have helped me find balance and peace.

With that in mind, I’ve compiled a list of sound-related stress relief activities that have worked for me and can easily be incorporated into anyone’s day. I hope you’ll find them just as transformative.

This post is all about stress relief activities.

Why We All Need Stress Relief Activities

We’ve all heard (and probably experienced) how destabilizing stress can be for our mind and body. It can really take a toll on your mental health, especially when it’s consistently there. 

Stress makes it harder to manage emotions, leading to things like anxiety, feeling overwhelmed, or even depression. When stress hormones like cortisol stay high for too long, they can mess with your sleep, memory, and even your overall mood. 

That’s why it’s so important to find ways to manage stress before it starts affecting your well-being. As such, I’m sharing simple and quick sound-based activities that can help reduce stress and promote relaxation.

Why Sounds-Based Stress Relief Activities Are Effective

Sounds have a powerful influence on our mental and emotional state because they directly impact the brain and nervous system. 

Certain sounds, like soft music or calming nature noises, can trigger a relaxation response by slowing down the heart rate, lowering blood pressure, and reducing the production of stress hormones like cortisol. This happens because the brain processes sound quickly, often evoking an emotional reaction before we’re even consciously aware of it. 

Whether it’s the soothing rhythm of ocean waves or the gentle hum of a favorite song, the right sounds can provide immediate relief from stress, making them an effective tool for managing mental well-being.

How Sound Affects the Brain and Body (The Science)

Sound has a profound effect on both the brain and body, engaging complex neurological pathways that regulate our emotions, cognitive functions, and physiological responses.

When we hear sound, vibrations travel through the ear and are converted into electrical signals by the cochlea. These signals are sent to the auditory cortex in the brain, which processes sound.

But they also activate other areas such as the limbic system, which governs emotions, and the autonomic nervous system, responsible for controlling involuntary bodily functions like heart rate and breathing.

Different types of sound stimulate different brainwave patterns. For example, slow, repetitive sounds, such as ambient music or nature sounds, often trigger alpha waves, which are associated with a calm, meditative state. On the other hand, fast, erratic sounds can increase beta wave activity, often leading to heightened alertness or stress. 

Additionally, sound can influence the production of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, which are crucial for mood regulation. This is why certain music or soundscapes can quickly shift our mood from anxious to relaxed.

The body’s physiological response to sound is also significant. Research has confirmed that rhythmic, soothing sounds have been shown to lower heart rate, blood pressure, and cortisol levels, inducing a state of relaxation. In contrast, loud or chaotic sounds can stimulate the body’s fight-or-flight response, increasing adrenaline and cortisol production, which can exacerbate stress. 

Sound also plays a role in neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to reorganize and form new neural connections. Repeated exposure to calming sounds can help “rewire” the brain. It reinforces pathways that promote relaxation and reduce stress, making it easier to manage anxiety over time.

how to relieve stress quickly

Stress Relief Activities with Sounds

#1 Hum for 3-5 minutes 

Humming is a simple yet powerful activity that helps activate the vagus nerve, which plays a key role in calming the nervous system. The vibrations from humming can reduce stress by slowing down the heart rate and promoting a sense of inner calm. 

Try setting a timer and hum steadily for 3-5 minutes, focusing on the soothing vibrations and your breath.

#2 Soothing Exhales with “Shhhh” Sound

Adding the sound “Shhhh” to your exhales during deep breathing helps enhance the calming effects of the breath. The gentle sound mimics the feeling of letting go, which can further reduce tension in the body and mind. 

Breathe in deeply through your nose. Then exhale slowly while making the “Shhhh” sound, allowing the vibration to relax your nervous system and quiet racing thoughts.

#3 Whistle a Tune

Whistling a tune is a fun and easy way to relieve stress. The act of whistling naturally regulates your breathing, which helps calm your nervous system, while focusing on the melody can distract your mind from anxious thoughts. Choose any tune you like, and let yourself get lost in the rhythm and sound!

#4 List What You Are Grateful for Aloud

In stressful situations, it can be hard to remember the positives or find things to be grateful for. You can start small, even with the tiniest details. For example, “I’m grateful for my fingers” or “I’m grateful for the water I drank today.” 

Saying these things out loud, whether in a whisper or normal voice, gradually shifts your focus from stress to gratitude. It not only calms your mind but also helps ground you in the present moment.

#5 Listen to Water Sounds

Listening to water sounds, like rain, ocean waves, or a flowing stream, is a proven way to reduce stress and promote relaxation. These sounds mimic the rhythms of nature, which help slow down the heart rate and encourage deep, calming breaths. 

You can listen to recordings of water sounds online. Or, if you’re lucky enough to have access to a nearby river, stream, etc, you can sit in nature and focus on listening to those sounds.

#6 Repeat Simple Sounds like “Ahh” or “Om”

Repeating simple sounds like “Ahh” or “Om” helps calm the mind by creating a steady, rhythmic vibration that resonates throughout the body. 

These sounds are often used in meditation because they activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps lower stress levels and promote relaxation. As you repeat these sounds, focus on the vibrations through your body.

#7 Create Rhythmic Patterns by Tapping Objects

Tapping out rhythmic patterns on nearby objects is a simple yet effective way to release stress. You can tap with your fingers or use items like pens, experimenting with different surfaces to explore how the sounds change. 

The repetition of the taps creates a grounding rhythm that can help quiet anxious thoughts. Whether it’s a desk, table, or even a window, the repetitive sounds offer a mindful break from stress.

how to relieve stress and anxiety

#8 Speak Affirmations to Yourself

Speaking affirmations aloud, even in a whisper, can help shift your mindset and reduce stress by reinforcing positive thoughts. Choose simple, uplifting phrases like “I am calm and in control” or “I can handle whatever comes my way.” 

Affirmations are a powerful way to replace anxious thoughts with positive ones. You can also record yourself saying the affirmations aloud and listen to the recordings of your own voice.

#9 Breathe with Long, Audible Sighs

Taking a deep breath and releasing it with a long, audible sigh is a quick way to relieve tension. This simple practice helps release pent-up energy and encourages relaxation by slowing your breathing and calming the nervous system. 

As you exhale with a vocal sigh, let the sound be natural and drawn-out, like “ahhh,” allowing the body to soften and stress to melt away. You can even visualize the stress or negative thoughts leaving your body as you exhale.

#10 Listen to Mantras and Chants (Or Chant Along)

Engaging with mantras and chants, whether by listening or chanting along, is an ancient and effective way to ease stress and center your mind.

Two simple and well-known chants to reduce stress include “Om Shanti Shanti Shanti” and “So Hum“. The word “Shanti” means peace. Repeating it three times brings peace to the body, mind, and spirit.

So Hum” translates to “I am that.” It’s often paired with breath meditation. “So” is mentally repeated on the inhale and “Hum” on the exhale, helping to regulate breathing and quiet the mind.

#11 Sing While Taking a Shower

We often joke about singing in the shower, but there’s a reason it feels so good! It’s actually a great way to relieve stress. The warm water relaxes your muscles, and singing releases endorphins that boost your mood. 

Whether you’re belting out your favorite tune or making up a silly song, singing in the shower helps release tension and have a little fun while doing it.

#12 Count Aloud 1-10 on a Beat

Start by choosing a steady rhythm. You can tap your fingers on a table, clap your hands, or even tap your foot to create the beat. As you establish the rhythm, count out loud from 1 to 10, matching each number to the beat. Once you reach 10, you can start over or slow down the pace to further relax. 

The key is to stay focused on the counting and rhythm, which helps quiet the mind and relieve stress. You can even experiment with different tempos to see what feels most calming.

#13 Listen to Nature Sounds

Listening to nature sounds, like the gentle rustling of leaves or birds chirping, can create an instant sense of calm. These sounds mimic natural environments, helping your brain disconnect from the stress of daily life. 

Whether you’re tuning into a recording or stepping outside to listen firsthand, nature’s soothing rhythms help lower anxiety, reduce mental fatigue, and bring a peaceful balance back to your mind.

#14 Play Air Drums to an Imaginary Beat

Sometimes the best way to let go of stress is to just get a little silly! Playing air drums to an imaginary beat gives you the chance to release tension and have fun at the same time.

Picture your favorite song or make up a rhythm in your head, and start drumming away—no real drum kit required! The physical movement, combined with the freedom to go wild with your “drumming,” can help shake off stress and boost your mood instantly.

#15 Listen to a Specific Frequency to Address Certain Needs

Researchers have found that certain sound frequencies affect the mind and body in unique ways, making them powerful tools for stress relief and healing.

For example, listening to 432 Hz is believed to promote deep relaxation. 528 Hz is known as the “love frequency” for its calming and uplifting effects. You can find specific frequencies online designed to help with everything from anxiety to focus. 

To learn more about different frequencies and how they can be used effectively, check out this Beginner’s Guide to Healing Frequencies of the Human Body.

#16 Vocalizing with Soft Vowel Sounds 

Vocalizing soft vowel sounds, like “Ahh,” “Ooo,” or “Eee,” taps into what are often referred to as primordial sounds—basic, universal tones that resonate deeply within us. 

These simple sounds are thought to connect us to the natural rhythms of the universe. They’ve been used for centuries in various healing and meditative practices. 

#17 Sing Along with a Favorite Song

Singing along to a favorite song is one of the easiest and most enjoyable ways to lift your mood and relieve stress. Music you love naturally boosts endorphins, and singing engages your breath, helping you release tension. Plus, it’s hard to feel stressed when you’re jamming to your favorite song!

Some of our best feel-good songs include Happy by Pharrell Williams, Walking on Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves, and Don’t Stop Me Now by Queen.

#18 Listen to Sound Bath (or Attend an In-Person Session)

A sound bath is a meditative experience where you immerse yourself in the soothing vibrations of instruments like crystal bowls, gongs, tuning forks or other healing instruments. They can bring people into deep states of relaxation and help to balance the nervous system.

We recommend this Sound Bath for Gratitude, or if possible, attend a session near you for an even deeper experience.

#19 Practice Deep Breathing with a Beat

Combining deep breathing with a steady beat is a great way to enhance relaxation and focus. As you inhale, count along to a beat (for example, a count of four), then exhale to the same rhythm. This structured breathing pattern helps regulate your breath, calms the nervous system, and can quickly reduce stress. 

You can tap your fingers, use a metronome, or play soft music in the background to maintain the rhythm while breathing deeply.

#20 Mindful Listening to a Background Sound

This simple exercise involves tuning in to a single background sound, like the hum of an air conditioner, a fan, or the wind outside. By focusing your attention on one steady sound, you can quiet your mind and bring yourself into the present moment. 

This practice helps break the cycle of stressful thoughts, grounding you in your surroundings.

#21 Listen to a Calming Podcast or ASMR

Tuning in to a calming podcast or ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) can be an effective way to unwind and reduce stress. You’ll find countless ASMR videos online.

Some of our favorite podcasts to destress include Meditative Story, Nothing Much Happens; Bedtime Stories for Grown-Ups, and On Being.

#22 Make a Sound Jar with Water

Creating a sound jar with water engages both your hearing and sight, making it a soothing sensory experience. Fill a jar with water and gently swirl, shake, or tap it to produce calming sounds. 

You can also add small objects like pebbles or beads to enhance the sound. It also creates a visual interest as the items move through the water. 

#23 Whisper a Comforting Word Repeatedly

Whispering a comforting word repeatedly can create a soothing rhythm that helps calm the mind and body. Words like “peace” or “relax” work well, as their meaning and gentle repetition encourage a sense of tranquility. Focus on the soft sound of your voice and the comforting meaning of the word as you whisper it.

This post was all about stress relief activities.

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