What Are the 7 Healing Frequencies? A Complete List of Chakra and Solfeggio Frequencies

What are the 7 healing frequencies? Do they even work? Let’s dive into the power behind these frequencies and the ways they can enhance your life!

what are the 7 healing frequencies

You want to know: What are the 7 healing frequencies? In recent years, sound baths and sound healing have gained attention for their ability to enhance emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.

At the core of this practice are healing frequencies. 

The most widely recognized set of healing frequencies are connected to the body’s seven chakras, with each chakra having its own specific frequency that corresponds to different aspects of well-being. People use these 7 healing frequencies to balance the body’s energy, improve mental clarity, and encourage emotional release, among various other benefits.

With years of training and extensive experience conducting sound baths, my team and I have worked with thousands of individuals seeking emotional, physical, and spiritual balance through the power of sound. My journey has given me firsthand insight into how specific frequencies can promote healing.

In this article, we will dive into what healing frequencies are, explore whether they actually work, and take a closer look at the 7 chakra frequencies. We’ll also touch on other commonly used frequencies, such as Solfeggio tones and binaural beats, and provide practical ways you can incorporate these frequencies into your daily life for enhanced well-being.

This post answers the question: What are the 7 healing frequencies?

What Are Healing Frequencies?

Healing frequencies are certain sound vibrations that are believed to support physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness. Researchers and practitioners believe that they interact with the body and mind, helping to bring things back into balance and harmony.

Healing frequencies are a powerful tool in enhancing your wellbeing. Nowadays, practitioners often utilize them in sound baths and sound therapies. As people become more aware of the benefits healing frequencies can have on the human body and mind, they are becoming more popular in the wellness industry and are becoming a greater topic of scientific research.

Do Healing Frequencies Work? (The Science)

While research continues to grow regarding healing frequencies, there is evidence to suggest that yes, healing frequencies do affect people in positive ways. Apart from studies, there is a significant amount of anecdotal evidence from individuals who share their experiences.

Many people report that healing frequencies can help calm the mind, relieve stress and even promote physical healing. Along with various other benefits, healing frequencies can have a positive impact on all of us.

By now you might be thinking – okay sounds great, but how does this actually work? Let’s get into the science!

Vibrations: Everything in the entire universe, even to the smallest atom, is vibrating. As such, everything in the body has its own natural frequency. Frequency refers to how fast those vibrations are happening. Healing frequencies may help “tune” the body back to balance if it’s out of sync, like tuning an instrument.

Resonance: When a sound at a particular frequency is played, it can cause certain parts of the body or mind to start vibrating in harmony with that frequency. This matching of vibrations is called resonance, and it’s thought to help restore balance or harmony in that area.

Brainwaves: Certain frequencies also affect brainwaves, helping you relax or focus. For example, binaural beats can create calming effects by using different sounds in each ear.

The big idea here is that frequencies can have a healing or transformative impact because they can resonate with your body and restore it back to its natural frequencies.

Healing frequencies list

What are the 7 Healing Frequencies? (Chakra Healing Frequencies)

1. Root Chakra (Muladhara): 396 Hz – Grounding & Security

The 396 Hz frequency is associated with the Root Chakra, which governs grounding, security, and the sense of safety. This frequency is believed to help release deep-seated feelings of guilt, fear, and negativity that often affect one’s foundation in life.

By clearing blockages related to insecurity, it promotes a sense of stability and confidence, helping individuals feel more grounded and connected to the earth.

2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana): 417 Hz – Emotions & Creativity

The 417 Hz frequency resonates with the Sacral Chakra, which focuses on creativity, emotional balance, and change. It is thought to help people release old patterns or past traumas that may be keeping them stuck emotionally.

This frequency allows for a greater flow of creativity and a renewed sense of joy and openness, supporting emotional healing and transformation.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): 528 Hz – Personal Power & Confidence

At 528 Hz, the frequency linked to the Solar Plexus Chakra, personal power, confidence, and transformation are the key themes. Often referred to as the “miracle frequency,” researchers associate it with DNA repair and transformation on both physical and emotional levels.

This frequency is thought to help strengthen self-esteem and inner power, making it easier for individuals to embrace change and harness their personal potential.

4. Heart Chakra (Anahata): 639 Hz – Love & Compassion

The 639 Hz frequency resonates with the Heart Chakra, which is tied to love, relationships, and emotional healing. This frequency harmonizes interpersonal relationships, fostering empathy, connection, and a deeper sense of love.

Many believe it heals emotional wounds, clears out blockages in the heart, and encourages a more open-hearted approach to relationships and self-compassion.

5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): 741 Hz – Communication & Truth

The 741 Hz frequency for the Throat Chakra relates to communication, truth, and self-expression. People believe it helps individuals clear any blockages in expressing their authentic selves.

Additionally, this frequency helps detoxify the body and mind, aids in releasing toxic thoughts and habits, and allows for clearer communication and honesty in both personal and professional interactions.

6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): 852 Hz – Intuition & Insight

The 852 Hz frequency corresponds to the Third Eye Chakra, which governs intuition, clarity, and inner vision. Many believe that this frequency activates higher levels of consciousness and enhances spiritual insight.

By helping to clear mental fog and stimulate intuitive abilities, it strengthens the connection to inner wisdom and supports a clearer perception of reality and oneself.

7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): 963 Hz – Spirituality & Enlightenment

Finally, the Crown Chakra, which serves as the center for spiritual awakening and enlightenment, connects to the 963 Hz frequency. Many believe that this frequency fosters a deep connection to universal consciousness, promoting a sense of unity and wholeness.

People use it to awaken spiritual insight and elevate their consciousness, helping them feel more connected to their higher selves and the divine.

What is the best frequency for the human body?

Each frequency works to align, balance, and activate its respective chakra, supporting overall emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.

While all of these healing frequencies can enhance your life in different ways, one of the most widely used is 528 Hz which connects with the solar plexus chakra. Learn more about the incredible benefits of 528 Hz through this guide.

do healing frequencies work

Healing Frequencies List

If you’re trying to understand the basics of healing frequencies, it can be challenging! There are various scales and research that people refer to when they talk about healing frequencies of the human body, like the well-known Solfeggio frequencies.

In reality, there’s a lot of overlap between the Solfeggio scale and the chakra frequencies. Here’s how they compare.

Chakra Frequency (Hz)Chakra DescriptionSolfeggio Frequency (Hz)Solfeggio Description
174 Hz*Foundation and Security (Pain Relief)
285 Hz*Healing of Tissues and Organs
396 HzRoot – Grounding and Security396 HzLiberation from Fear
417 HzSacral – Emotions and Creativity417 HzFacilitates Change
528 HzSolar Plexus – Personal Power528 HzTransformation and Miracles
639 HzHeart – Love and Compassion639 HzConnection and Relationships
741 HzThroat – Communication and Truth741 HzAwakening Intuition
852 HzThird Eye – Intuition and Insight852 HzReturning to Spiritual Order
963 HzCrown – Spirituality and Enlightenment963 Hz*Unity and Enlightenment
*There were 6 original Solfeggio frequencies. 174 Hz, 258 Hz and 963 Hz have been recently added.

Chakra, Solfeggio & Other Frequencies Explained

For background, the Solfeggio frequencies are a set of six ancient sound frequencies used in sacred music, particularly Gregorian chants. Researchers rediscovered these frequencies in the 1970s and say they align with patterns of creation and balance, promoting harmony in the mind and body.

Binaural beats represent another form of healing frequencies where practitioners play two different tones in each ear.Their perceived frequency resonates with brain waves, which can lead you to experience different states, for example relaxation or increased focus.

If you’re interested in learning more about the various types, you check out Healing Frequencies of the Human Body: A Practical Guide to Their Benefits & Uses.

But overall…. When people ask, What are the 7 healing frequencies? They are usually referring to chakra healing frequencies. Meaning, the frequencies that align with each chakra. The Solfeggio scale also includes these, although it recognizes more healing frequencies too.

How to Use the 7 Healing Frequencies and Experience Benefits


If you’re looking to enhance specific aspects of your life, you can listen to the corresponding chakra frequency during meditation. For example, to boost confidence and inner strength, you would meditate to 528 Hz. For grounding and security, you’d listen to 396 Hz.

This helps to align and balance the related chakra, making you feel more empowered, grounded, or emotionally stable, depending on your focus.

chakra healing frequencies

Sound Baths

Participating in a sound bath where an experienced practitioner tunes instruments like singing bowls or gongs to chakra frequencies can help harmonize your energy. You simply lie down, relax, and let the vibrations of the sound wash over you.

Many believe that the vibrations resonate with different parts of the body, releasing emotional blockages and promoting deep relaxation. Our Immersive Sound Experience team regularly hosts sound baths and we also do private sessions for groups or individuals. See our upcoming events here!

We also have various sound baths shared on Youtube. Check out our Immersive Sound Experience channel to find sound baths that help with relaxation, relieving stress, and more.

Tuning Forks

Tuning forks are tools that emit specific frequencies when struck. Practitioners can place tuning forks near different parts of your body to align the chakras. For example, you can use a tuning fork vibrating at 528 Hz around your Solar Plexus to help restore confidence and personal power.

The direct vibrations from the tuning forks help bring the body back into its natural balance. This helps to support emotional and physical healing. Here’s a more detailed article about how you can use tuning forks for healing (it’s perfect information for beginners).

Chanting or Singing

You can chant specific mantras or tones that resonate with each chakra frequency. For example, chanting the mantra “OM”. It’s said to resonate with the Crown Chakra (963 Hz), helping you connect with higher consciousness. You can find various chants on Youtube that are great to recite along with.

The act of chanting vibrates your body and voice in alignment with the chakra, helping you engage more actively with the energy.

Play Healing Frequencies during Sleep or as Background Noise

Having these frequencies playing consistently helps keep your chakras and energy centers balanced, especially during passive moments like sleeping, where the body is in a natural state of repair and rejuvenation.

Other times, playing chakra frequencies softly in the background throughout the day  can create a calming environment that helps reduce stress. For instance, having 528 Hz or 396 Hz playing while you’re doing household tasks can subtly uplift your mood. Or, playing calming frequencies like 423 Hz can help improve your sleep quality.

If you have any questions about healing frequencies or want to share your experience, please leave a comment and I would love to connect with you!

This post answered the question: What are the 7 healing frequencies?

Image credits: Tell-a-Tale Studios, Mumbai

Comments (2)

  • Chris Bell

    October 5, 2024 at 9:57 am

    In this blog, the seven healing frequencies are beautifully detailed, providing insights into chakra and Solfeggio frequencies, helping readers understand their significance in promoting balance, harmony, and overall well-being.

    1. Immersive Sound Experience

      October 6, 2024 at 5:00 am

      Thank you for your kind words, Chris! I’m glad you found the post meaningful and appreciate your message.

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