Sound Bath Instruments Explained: Types, Uses and Tips

Interested in learning about the unique qualities of sound bath instruments? Explore the most common instruments used, their various features, and get beginner tips for choosing the right ones.

sound bath instruments

Let’s dive into the world of sound bath instruments! This guide will introduce you to the most common sound bath instruments and what makes them unique. You’ll also learn about the different types of each instrument and advice for beginners on what to look for when choosing instruments.

Sound bath instruments are well-known to promote relaxation, meditation, and overall well-being. These instruments range from ancient tools like Tibetan singing bowls and gongs to modern innovations such as crystal singing bowls and tuning forks. 

Each instrument has a rich background and significance, rooted in cultural traditions and spiritual practices from around the world. Anyone interested in sound healing should understand the types of sound bath instruments.

I was fortunate to have many teachers and mentors throughout my journey as a sound practitioner. With their guidance, I have conducted hundreds of sound bath sessions and experimented with various instruments from all over the world. I hope this guide is helpful to those at the beginning of their incredible path into the power of sounds.

This post is all about sound bath instruments.

Sound Bath Instruments

What Makes These Sound Bath Instruments Effective? Here’s the Science…

Sound bath instruments influence the body through vibrational frequencies. Ancient traditions utilized them as tools for healing, and modern science is now exploring them more deeply.

When played, instruments produce sound waves that create vibrations in the air. These vibrations can interact with the body’s cells and tissues, promoting physical and mental relaxation. The concept of resonance plays a critical role as well.

Certain frequencies can synchronize with the body’s natural frequencies, helping to reduce stress and tension. This process, often referred to as “entrainment,” aligns the body’s rhythms with the external vibrations, leading to a state of deep relaxation and balance.

The sound bath instruments discussed in this post are known to enhance physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. That’s what has made them so popular in sound baths and sound therapies.

The benefits of sound bath instruments are numerous and well-documented. Scientifically, the vibrations produced by instruments like Tibetan singing bowls, crystal singing bowls, and tuning forks can stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for rest and digestion. This can lead to reduced heart rates, lower blood pressure, and decreased levels of the stress hormone cortisol. 

Additionally, sound baths can enhance mental clarity, improve mood, and promote better sleep by encouraging the production of brain waves associated with relaxation. Overall, the use of sound bath instruments offers a holistic approach to health, addressing physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being through the power of sound.

Tibetan Singing Bowls

Tibetan singing bowls are traditional musical instruments that have been used for centuries in Himalayan cultures, particularly in Tibet, Nepal, and Bhutan. Craftsmen typically make these bowls from a blend of metals that produce resonant, harmonic tones when struck or circled with a mallet.

There are many names which people use to refer to Tibetan singing bowls. The main aspect to keep in mind is that they are metal, unlike crystal singing bowls. They offer a range of benefits which is why they are such a popular choice among sound bath instruments. 

Types & Varieties of Tibetan Bowls

Tibetan singing bowls come in various sizes and shapes, producing different tones and frequencies. Larger, deeper bowls generate low, resonant sounds, while smaller, thinner bowls produce higher-pitched, clear tones. Some bowls have unique features and intricate designs which affect their sound and aesthetic appeal.

Jambati bowls are large, deep bowls with wide rims, known for their low, resonant tones that provide grounding and relaxation. Thadobati bowls have straight sides and flat bottoms. They produce clear, high-pitched sounds rich in harmonic overtones, making them a versatile choice.

Mani bowls are smaller and rounder, emitting high, sweet tones ideal for meditation and personal use. Ultabati bowls are large and heavy with inward-curving rims, generating deep, powerful sounds that resonate deeply within the body. 

Lingam bowls are unique, featuring a small protrusion in the center (lingam) symbolizing spiritual energy, and produce balanced, harmonious sounds. Finally, Remuna bowls are smaller and lightweight and usually have intricate designs. They offer clear, delicate tones suitable for more focused sound healing work.

Singing bowls also come in different notes. Each bowl is tuned to a specific frequency, which corresponds to different chakras and overall impacts the body in different ways.

Advice for Beginners

If you’re just starting in sound healing, a Thadobati Tibetan singing bowl would be a great choice. Their balanced sound quality and harmonic overtones make them ideal for beginners. I recommend choosing a bowl tuned to the note F (heart chakra) or C (root chakra). The note F associates with emotional balance and healing, while the note C provides grounding and stability.

singing bowl

Crystal Singing Bowls

Crystal singing bowls are more modern sound bath instruments made from pure quartz crystal. They are renowned for their clear and resonant tones. Crystal bowls are typically crafted by heating crushed quartz to high temperatures and molding it into shape. The resulting sound produced by crystal singing bowls is often described as ethereal and deeply calming. 

Types & Varieties of Crystal Bowls

There are many different types of crystal singing bowls which also each come in different notes.

Clear quartz bowls, made from clear quartz crystal, produce pure, high-pitched tones known for their clarity and vibrational quality. Frosted quartz bowls, which are opaque with a frosted appearance, produce deeper, more resonant sounds. 

Colored quartz bowls are infused with various minerals or coatings, offering both aesthetic variety and the ability to target specific chakras. Practitioner bowls are smaller and often include a handle, making it easier to direct sound energy toward specific areas of the body.

Advice for Beginners

If you’re just starting with sound healing, a frosted quartz crystal bowl tuned to the note C (root chakra) or G (throat chakra) is a good choice. These bowls are durable, easy to play, and produce deep, resonant tones that can help ground and balance your energy. Choose a size that feels comfortable to handle and resonates with you personally.


Gongs are ancient percussion instruments with origins in Southeast Asia, particularly in China. They have been used for over 4,000 years in religious and ceremonial contexts. 

They are a popular choice as a sound bath instrument for their deep, resonant tones and powerful vibrations that can induce a state of deep relaxation and meditation. Their unique ability to produce a wide range of frequencies and overtones makes them exceptional tools for creating immersive, therapeutic soundscapes that promote emotional and physical healing.

Each type of gong offers unique auditory experiences, making them versatile tools in sound healing. The size of a gong significantly affects its sound. Larger gongs produce deeper, more resonant tones, while smaller gongs produce higher-pitched, sharper sounds. Many gongs are also crafted to resonate at specific frequencies of pitches which can be useful for targeted healing work. 

Types & Varieties of Gongs

Similar to many sound bath instruments and ancient tools, gongs come in various types, each with distinct characteristics and uses.  The most common type is the symphonic gong, known for its full range of harmonics and complex tones, making it popular in orchestras and sound healing. 

Planetary gongs are tuned to specific frequencies corresponding to the vibrations of celestial bodies. Practitioners often use them in spiritual and astrological practices. Chau gongs have an iconic bullseye design and produce a deep, resonant sound. 

Wind gongs, or Feng gongs, are thinner and lighter, producing a clear, sustained sound with a shimmering quality, often used in meditation and relaxation. Nipple gongs have a raised center (nipple) that creates a focused, bell-like tone, suitable for rituals and ceremonies. 

Advice for Beginners

In the context of sound baths, a wind gong is a great option to start with. They are versatile and can create a wide range of tones depending on how you strike them. A medium-sized wind gong, around 20-24 inches, is ideal for a balance of depth and manageability. 

Tuning Forks

Tuning forks were originally designed to tune musical instruments with their precise and consistent pitch. Recently, they have expanded into holistic healing and medical practices. In sound baths, tuning forks produce pure tones that effectively resonate with the body’s energy fields.

When struck and placed near or on the body, tuning forks create vibrations that can help balance energy, reduce stress, and promote healing. Their simplicity and precision make them powerful tools in sound baths and therapies because they easily target areas of the body.

Types & Varieties of Tuning Forks

Tuning forks come in various frequencies that are each designed for specific therapeutic purposes. They often come in sets and there are several different types to choose from.

Solfeggio tuning forks are tuned to ancient Solfeggio frequencies. A typical Solfeggio set includes six forks, each corresponding to a specific frequency: 396 Hz (liberating guilt and fear), 417 Hz (facilitating change), 528 Hz (DNA repair and transformation), 639 Hz (connecting relationships), 741 Hz (awakening intuition), and 852 Hz (returning to spiritual order). 

Chakra tuning fork sets typically consist of seven forks, each tuned to the specific frequencies of the body’s major chakras, promoting balance and alignment of energy centers. 

Weighted tuning forks have weights on the ends of the prongs, providing strong vibrations that are ideal for deep tissue application and direct body contact. These are most useful to help with physical healing and relieve pain.

Advice for Beginners

If you are new to using tuning forks, I would highly recommend getting a chakra tuning fork set. They are comprehensive and straightforward to use because you can align each with the corresponding chakra centers on the body. It’s a great foundation for sound healing practice.

sound healing instrument

Shamanic Drum

Indigenous cultures around the world have used shamanic drums, traditional percussion instruments, for thousands of years. Native American, Siberian, and African shamans especially used them in their practices. 

Craftsmen typically make these drums from natural materials like animal hides and wooden frames. They produce deep, resonant beats that mimic the rhythm of the Earth’s heartbeat. 

In sound baths, shamanic drums are special for their grounding and rhythmic vibrations. People believe their repetitive, trance-inducing sounds connect individuals with their inner selves and the spiritual world.

Types & Varieties of Shamanic Drums

There are really endless types of shamanic drums to choose from. It’s not surprising given the wide range of cultures which have used them over countless generations. Still, there are many factors which influence the effect shamanic drums generate.

First, the size and materials of a shamanic drum significantly affect its sound, resonance, and ease of use. Smaller drums produce higher-pitched tones and are easier to hold and play for longer periods. Larger drums generate deeper, more resonant sounds that you can feel more physically, making them very grounding and powerful in group settings or ceremonies. However, they can be heavier and more challenging to play for long periods.

The drumhead material also plays a crucial role in the sound. Traditional drum heads made from natural hides, like buffalo, deer, or goat, offer rich, warm tones and a more authentic feel. However, they can be sensitive to humidity and temperature changes, affecting the tension and sound. Synthetic heads, made from materials like polyester, are more consistent in various environmental conditions and require less maintenance. They produce a more uniform sound but can lack the nuanced tones of natural hides.

The frame material matters as well. Wooden frames provide natural resonance and are traditional in many cultures, with different woods subtly affecting the drum’s sound quality.

Advice for Beginners

If you are just starting with shamanic drumming, I would recommend a medium-sized drum which will be easier to handle. You should try out various drums and choose one that resonates with you personally, whether it’s a deep, grounding sound or high-pitched uplifting tone. 

If you feel drawn to a particular tradition or cultural practice, you can also look into a style of drum commonly used in that context. Overall, still choose high-quality materials that will have an authentic feel and produce better sound.

Koshi Chimes

Koshi chimes are wind chimes known for their soothing and harmonious sounds which are connected to different elements of the earth. Artisans meticulously tune each chime to a specific note and craft them from bamboo and metal. They complement deeper resonant tones of other instruments, like singing bowls and gongs, which makes them a great addition to other sound bath instruments.

Practitioners often use Koshi bells at the beginning or end of sound baths to help bring people into deep relaxing states and to softly transition them towards the end of sessions.

Types & Varieties of Koshi Chimes

Terra (Earth) chimes include notes G C E F G C E G. They produce grounding and earthy tones that evoke stability and nurturing qualities. 

Aqua (Water) chimes are tuned to A D F G A D F A. They create fluid and soothing sounds that mimic the gentle flow of water, promoting emotional healing and tranquility. 

Aria (Air) chimes include notes A C E A B C E B. They deliver light and airy tones that bring a sense of freedom and upliftment, reminiscent of the open sky and gentle breezes. 

Ignis (Fire) chimes are tuned to G B D G B D G A. They offer warm and vibrant tones that capture the energy and passion of fire, inspiring creativity and transformation.

Advice for Beginners

All are effective sound bath instruments and it is really a matter of personal choice when trying to choose one. If you are an upcoming sound bath practitioner, the water chime is a nice choice because it promotes emotional healing. Ultimately though, you can choose one that would best fit your needs.


The human voice is one of the most powerful and versatile sound bath instruments you can utilize! You can use your voice to produce various tones, chants or melodies that resonate deeply within the body and mind. 

Remember that your voice is the most unique instrument you can include in a sound bath journey. It can add a personalized impression in your sessions and there are many qualities to vocal sounds. Even simple humming can produce soothing vibrations that can bring people to relaxed and meditative states.

Advice for Beginners

This is a sound bath instrument that costs no money at all. Daily practice like doing vocal warm ups, singing scales, or breathing exercises can help you gain more control over your voice and learn techniques to use it effectively. You can start integrating your voice during sound baths by humming or simply chanting “Aum/Om.”

With the Immersive Sound Experience team, we use a wide variety of instruments. If you’re looking to begin purchasing instruments, we strongly suggest prioritizing high-quality ones that are finely made and meticulously tuned. We have no affiliate connection and make no money from your purchases, but we highly recommend Svaram Sound Institute. Many of our practitioners trained there and they produce top-quality instruments.

This post was all about sound bath instruments.

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